Teeth Whitening with Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry

Having a set of pearly whites that are genuinely white is a great confidence booster for most people. Unfortunately, there are a variety of tasty foods and beverages that can stain our teeth over time, and ageing can also contribute to the yellowing of our teeth. As a result, having white teeth can feel like something only a select few can achieve, at least securely. When teeth whitening is done incorrectly, it can damage the enamel, making the teeth more sensitive and susceptible to discoloration. On the other hand, teeth whitening treatments are becoming more inexpensive than ever with advances in dentistry. This means that everyone can find a way to improve the whiteness of their teeth without going over […]

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Why are Routine Dental Exams Important for Kids?

When it comes to kids, we all recognize the significance of proper dental care and oral hygiene in their growth. It is critical to look after your child’s oral health as they begin to acquire teeth, regardless of their age. We feel it is never too earlier for children to start brushing up on their oral hygiene at our dental clinics Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry. There are numerous advantages to sending your child to the dentist on a regular basis that will continue well into adulthood. Here are some of the reasons why your children should get frequent dental check-ups with Dr. Borham: From a Young Age, Teach Good Oral Health: We encourage families to visit their dentist so that […]

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Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

What are your thoughts on dental insurance? Many people consider their dental insurance to be a safety net in case they ever have a dental emergency, while others rarely think about it. Because you pay for your dental insurance monthly, it makes more sense to consider how you may get the most out of your coverage. Dr. Borham in Las Cruces provides five simple and practical recommendations to help you achieve just that in this blog post. Get 5 tips from Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry that will help you take full advantage of your coverage in 2022! Preventive Care Should Not be Overlooked, and Visits Should be Scheduled Early in the Year. Dr. Borham advises, most people should see their […]

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Dr. Borham’s Advises for Smiling With Confidence!

Smiling is the foundation of joy. A genuine smile brightens your eyes, tightens your cheeks, and radiates across your face. When it comes to self-confidence, communication, and relationships, your smile is one of the most significant factors. Why? We catch up on nonverbal communication intuitively as humans. In reality, nonverbal communication accounts for 60 to 90 percent of your daily interactions with people. Smiling has been found to release endorphins, enhance immunity, and improve the mood of others around you. Most importantly, having a healthy smile boosts your self-esteem. Do you raise your hand to cover your teeth when you feel these muscles moving? Or are you attempting to disguise your teeth by controlling your cheek muscles? If that’s the […]

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How to Treat Gum Disease with Dentist in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Have you seen a bit of blood in your sink when you brush your teeth recently? That bleeding can be one of the first warning signs that you have got gum disease. Most gum diseases can be reduced or eliminated by practicing more consistent and comprehensive oral hygiene and having professional dental cleanings. After a dentist or dental hygienist at Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry removes the plaque and tartar, the patient can usually avoid gingivitis and gum disease by brushing and flossing after each meal. A patient can use a prescription mouth rinse that targets the oral germs that cause gum disease under the supervision of Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry. Healthy gums are vital for strong teeth, and the best […]

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The Best Dentist and Hygienist in Las Cruces, New Mexico!

The Best Dentist in Las Cruces, New Mexico! Please Click here to check it out   The Best Hygienist in Las Cruces, New Mexico! Please Click here to check it out

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Discover Why Invisalign Works Best for Adults

Our patients often ask Dr. Borham if they are old for Invisalign. As Dr. Borham advises his patients that as long as their teeth and gums are healthy, he can help them get an incredible smile at any age.  Also, patients may be embarrassed to get braces installed, or maybe they want but cannot afford the costs, do not worry, the solution is always there, most adults are embarrassed to get braces, or they cannot afford the costs, and this is where Invisalign comes in. Invisalign is a clear, invisible compound that a person can take off and eat and will no longer embarrass you. If you are an adult who needs orthodontics and wants a straighter and more beautiful […]

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Dr. Borham’s Tips for Avoiding Cavities

From a very early age, your dentist will advise you to stay away from unhealthy foods and always take care of brushing and flossing your teeth, but unfortunately with this attention, you may have a cavity in your teeth at some point in your life. Tooth decay, which is often referred to as cavities, can occur at any time. But do not worry, here you need to take care and visit Dr. Borham in Las Cruces, New Mexico without delay. Dr. Borham explains the best ways to keep your teeth in perfect shape. Here are eight tips that will help to prevent cavities: Brush Your Teeth Regularly Dr. Borham advises to combat cavities to clean the teeth at least twice […]

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Why Implants Are the Most Durable Option

Are you tired of being limited to certain foods due to your missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures? Our staff at Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry can lift those restrictions, allowing you to consume whatever food or beverages you please. The Dental Implant Advantage If you’re looking to restore your smile and its functions, we can offer you dental implants. These tooth replacements are supported by titanium fixtures to ensure they’re as durable as possible. The implants infuse with your jawbone in a short period of time, causing new bone tissue to grow and strengthen it. This process also creates stability for your beautiful porcelain crowns that are attached to the titanium fixtures. With implants, you’ll be able to chew and speak […]

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man at dentist for veneers

Pros and cons of veneers

If you feel dissatisfied with some aspect of your smile, you may be considering dental veneers as a cosmetic treatment. A veneer is an extremely thin piece of ceramic that adheres to the front surface of one of your front teeth to cover a minor cosmetic problem. Some of the most common ones include teeth staining, a crack or chip in a tooth, or a misshapen tooth. A veneer is also an ideal treatment option when the gap between your two front teeth is larger than normal. At Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry, we understand that you have many factors to consider when it comes to getting a veneer or another type of cosmetic dentistry procedure. We discuss some of the […]

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